Thank you for your interest in Instant IP™. We’ve found people have questions about WHAT it is and HOW to use it. We’ve separated our answers into these two categories:
“WHAT” QUESTIONS regarding Instant IP™.
1. What is Instant IP™?
Instant IP™ is the blockchain-based, smart contract solution designed for brands, businesses, entrepreneurs, owners, and creators. Instant IP™ is intellectual property protection that’s faster, cheaper, and easier.
2. What is blockchain technology?
Simply put, blockchain is a public digital ledger. Think of it as a distributed record everyone can see, but nobody can edit. Instant IP™ timestamps your idea, creating an immutable digital asset that proves your ownership and establishes a first to use / first to file event.
3. What is a smart contract?
Smart contacts are “time stamped” information stored on the blockchain. They can never be tampered with or changed. Through our proprietary patented process we turn your intellectual property into a digital asset. This “global protection” validates you as the owner. Smart contracts are superior because they’re immutable and unchanging. This means bad actors cannot change the “timestamp” (first use) because it’s permanently captured on the blockchain.
4. Can smart contracts be changed?
When the smart contract is executed, the software protocol creates an immutable (unchangeable) record of the transaction, linking it to the block of prior transactions in that blockchain. The cryptographic links between each block make it virtually impossible to go back and edit or delete prior transaction data.
5. Are smart contracts legally binding and enforceable in the United States?
Several states have passed or have pending legislation related to smart contracts, ranging from forming exploratory committees to recognizing basic concepts to providing comprehensive treatment.
6. Are smart contracts legally binding and enforceable in other countries?
Many countries have incorporated smart contracts into their laws, including Italy, Dubai, Argentina, and more. Belarus was the first country to legalize smart contracts in 2017. Smart contracts are computerized transaction protocols that execute contract conditions. They are similar to existing contracts because they have the same goals. Smart contracts are enforceable as long as they follow the basic rules of contractual agreements.
7. What are the biggest benefits of smart contracts?
Smart contracts are the way of the future. Experts believe soon all transactions will be done via smart contracts. Currently states and countries recognize this technology and favor it because of the many benefits listed below:
- Increased Speed
- More Efficient
- Cost Effective
- Highly Secure
- Better Backup
- Greater Accuracy
- Clearer Communication
- Paper Free
8. What does the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) think of Instant IP™?
The USPTO is very interested in Instant IP™. On January 26, 2023, they invited our founder Kary Oberbrunner to speak on a select Congress Commissioned USPTO Panel regarding Intellectual Property. His research was presented to Congress in a March 2024 Report alongside other experts including representatives from the American Bar Association and Harvard. You can access his presentation at https://instantip.today/about
9. What are the differences and benefits of Instant IP™ compared to copyrights, trademarks, and patents?
Instant IP™ has many unique benefits. Refer to the IP Protection Comparison Chart™

10. If I need to make updates to my Instant IP™ smart contract, what do I do?
Businesses and brands often modify their Intellectual Property over time. Logos evolve and processes are refined. (See KFC example below.) Because smart contracts are immutable you can’t change them. Therefore, to make additions simply initiate a new smart contract.

11. Can I protect a Multi-Page document?
Yes, of course you can protect a multi-page document. Each credit can protect a file up to 100 MB. Look below to see what types of files can be protected. Our clients use a variety of strategies to save on credits. One strategy is to record your screen while scrolling through a course, website, app, or slidedeck. This video file that captures multiple pieces of content only requires one smart contract. Our clients simply record their screen as they do a “walk-thru” (sometimes even narrating the tour). The main point is to document your idea so we can then protect it through our proprietary blockchain technology.
12. What types of Files can be Protected?
Most document types can be protected. These include:
- Images – PNG, JPG, SVG, EPS, PSD, GIFs.
- Video – . MP4, WEBM, MOV, AVIs
- Audio – MP3, M4A, WAVs
- Text – DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PDFs.
- 3D/AR -glb. gltf, zip that contains a .
13. How can I learn more about Instant IP™?
Read or listen to You Are an IP Company, the bestselling book co-written by our founder Kary Oberbrunner and Katherine Rubino, a partner at Caldwell, the fastest growing law firm in America 5 years in a row. https://amzn.to/3Z87aFY
Access the FREE You Are an IP Company course ($1997 value). Simply tell us where to send it. https://www.instantip.today/bonuses
Listen here https://www.instantip.today/podcast or anywhere you enjoy your podcasts.
Over 1 million people have viewed our founder Kary Oberbrunner’s TEDx on Instant IP™. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA19Tf5wFEA&t=1s
“HOW” QUESTIONS regarding Instant IP™.
1. How do I access the app?
Access the app at https://instantip.app We’ve chosen NOT to put the Instant IP™ app in the app store.
Here’s why it’s not in the App Store:
- Your IP is your IP. We don’t want to give anyone else the ability to access your IP.
- You can access your IP on any device: mobile, tablet, computer, etc..
- We can push any app updates to you faster and easier.
- To keep your costs the lowest possible.
2. What is my username?
Your username is the email address you utilized to sign up for the app.
3. What happens if I forget my password?
You can easily reset your password at https://instantip.appOnce there, simply click “Forgot Password” and a password reset email will arrive in minutes. Follow the correct prompts to reset your password, similar to all other apps.
4. What is the difference between the Single Credit Level (1 Free or Paid) and the Enterprise Level?
The Enterprise gives you additional benefits over purchasing single credits. These include:
- Protected by Instant IP QR Code
- Hidden/Public IP Toggle Ability
- Value Pricing
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Ability to Transfer Assets.
The Enterprise Level is for anyone who takes their IP seriously and wants to create increased IP influence, impact, and income. To view a detailed explanation of the Benefits of Upgrading to Enterprise and to purchase, visit https://instantip.today/enterprise
5. How do I purchase/upgrade to Instant IP™ Enterprise?
Joining the Enterprise Level is simple using one of two ways.
First Way:
- Visit the app https://instantip.app
- Click on Billing
- Click on Buy More Credits.
- Select the Enterprise Level Package you would like and checkout and receive credits immediately.
If you’re a visual learner, you can see “how to” screenshots at: https://instantip.today/enteprise
Second Way:
- Visit https://instantip.today/enterprise
- Click the Button to Purchase Credits
- You will receive your credits in 24 hours or less.
6. How do I purchase more credits?
- Visit the app https://instantip.app
- Click on Billing
- Click on Buy More Credits.
Select the Enterprise Level Package you would like and checkout.
7. How do I download my Protected IP Certificate?
- Visit the app https://instantip.app
- Navigate to Protected IP.
- Click on the respective IP you.
- Click the Button titled “Download Protected IP Certificate”.
This will download a pdf copy of the certificate. You can do this for all protected IP.
8. Can I transfer my protected IP to my own Digital Wallet, and how?
Yes, this can all be done inside the app. To learn more about the process and how to, please visit https://instantip.today/transfer
9. How do I hide or make my IP public?
In order to toggle your IP Public/Hidden, you will need to be an Enterprise client.
If you are already an Enterprise Client, go to Protected IP, then click on the IP you would like to change visibility on. Once inside the IP, click on edit visibility, change it to what you would like and click save. It changes instantaneously.
*Note: By default, all free credits are hidden.
10. How do I view my Protected IP?
You can view your Protected IP either by logging into the App and clicking Protected IP, or by visiting https://instantip.today/protected.
*Note: Only public IP is visible on https://instantip.today/protected
11. How do I update my profile or cover pictures?
Inside the Instant IP™ App, you can select Profile and make changes to your Profile and Cover Images. The recommended dimensions are available there or below.
Profile Image – 400×400 px
Cover Image – 1584×396 px
12. How do I access my Protected by Instant IP™ QR Code?
If you are an Instant IP™ Enterprise Client, you can access your QR Code by logging into the Instant IP™ App and going to Profile. Below your Name and Token Tracker is your Protected by Instant IP™ QR Code.
13. How do I view how many credits I have left?
Within the App, you can check how many credits you have used or have left by going into the Billing Menu. This will display your available credits and all credit usage.
14. How do I enable Multi-Factor Authentication?
You can enable Multi-Factor Authentication for added layers of security by visiting your Profile inside the Instant IP™ app. Once there, above the Save Changes button, there is an Advanced Settings button that will allow you to toggle on the Multi-Factor Authentication and enter the phone number you would like associated with your account for added login security.
*Note: MFA is only available for Enterprise Clients.
15. Do you offer a subscription service?
At this time, we do not offer a subscription service.
16. Do you offer an affiliate program:
At this time, we do not offer an affiliate program?
17. How can I find out if someone already protected my idea/IP?
Just search the Protected Page Portal. Watch this video to see how.
18. How do I contact support?
We are happy to help. Please email: support@instantip.today OR complete the contact form: https://www.instantip.today/contact/